Earlier this week, I phoned home from work and talked to Maddie. She told me that she and daddy were getting ready to have a picnic lunch in the play tent in the basement. Now if that doesn't warm the cockles of your heart, then you must be heartless. Or at least cockle-less.
When I got home from work, I discovered that they'd taken pictures. C'mon, surely it's GOTTA be warming those cockles NOW...
Yep, they're blazing. LOve the pic.
"Memories are not glass treasures to be kept locked in a box. They are bright ribbons to be hung in the wind." Leah Sharma
You made a bright ribbon memory for Maddie that she can let fly in the wind for many years to come.
Cockles sufficiently heated.
That child is an absolute treasure!
Seriously such a CUTE picture. That girl. She warmed the cockles of my heart thousands of miles away :)
Thanks to you all for giving me a big smile!
How adorable is that photo. :-)
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